
We are proud to announce that SeleTech has achieved the prestigious Gold Mastery partnership level with SonicWall, a global leader in cybersecurity technology. This highly regarded status is awarded to partners demonstrating an exceptional understanding and application of SonicWall’s advanced cybersecurity solutions. The level of training required to attain this underscores our commitment to delivering unparalleled security services.

By achieving this level of partnership, SelecTech gains exclusive access to SonicWall’s advanced cybersecurity tools and training. The collaboration ensures that our clients benefit from the latest security technologies and strategies, safeguarding their valuable data and digital assets against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.

“Securing the Gold Mastery partnership with SonicWall represents a significant milestone for SelecTech,” said Chad Wilson, President of SelecTech. “In today’s digital landscape, businesses of all sizes face unprecedented challenges in protecting their networks and data. Our enhanced partnership with SonicWall empowers us to offer our clients the most advanced and effective security measures available. With SonicWall’s cutting-edge technology and our expertise, business owners and managers can have peace of mind knowing that their digital environments are safe.”

For business owners, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. The partnership between SelecTech and SonicWall provides businesses with access to a comprehensive suite of security solutions, including firewalls, email security, endpoint protection, and more, all designed to meet the unique challenges and budgetary considerations of small and medium size businesses.

“At SonicWall, we believe that successful partnerships are built on a foundation of collaboration and trust,” said Elvira Tardiola-Solomon of SonicWall. “SelecTech has been a SonicWall Partner since 2016.  As a strategic Gold partner of ours, they are fully immersed in the SonicWall platform at a Mastery level and I am proud to be working with the entire SelecTech team.”

As we embark on this new chapter with SonicWall, it reaffirms our dedication to serving the cybersecurity needs of small and medium-sized businesses in the greater central Pennsylvania area. Please call us at 717-774-2018 to learn how we can help protect your organization from cyberattacks.